Craft & Breakfast is a social impact platform promoting craftsmanship with genuine tourism experiences.
One of my first projects at school before graduating was a collection of craft products inspired in Mexico, redesigned to be more aesthetic and functional. I end up working with artisans of different skills to develop my concept of contemporary crafts.
I realized that making products with artisans didn't let them generate enough income to maintain their families, so I wanted to help.
One of my first projects at school before graduating was a collection of craft products inspired in Mexico, redesigned to be more aesthetic and functional. I end up working with artisans of different skills to develop my concept of contemporary crafts.
I realized that making products with artisans didn't let them generate enough income to maintain their families, so I wanted to help.
I wanted to find a solution to improve artisan's income through a scalable product model.
Begin a social impact project that could help more artisans in the future.
Product design from research, conception, visualization, and testing. Then my team integrated to improve the product and scale the project.
My Work
Researched the experience of making a craft with four different artisans.
Mapped a journey of my day with each of them to ideate a product.
Mapped a journey of my day with each of them to ideate a product.
Built a presentation of the product to share with family and friends inviting them to live one of the craft experiences.
Tested my idea with more than 50 people before designing a website.
Designed a platform to keep promoting this social impact project and still looking for opportunities to scale it.
A social impact startup that ended up with six team members connected with a great purpose. A live website that keeps promoting Mexican craftsmanship through genuine experiences.

"Imagine waking up in a little Mexican town, with a hot coffee and freshly baked bread, where all you have to do is create."